I know , I know....you have been dying to hear more from your friendly neighborhood fashionistas. Though we have kept you in suspense through LSAT's and midterms, everyone fasten your belt buckles and zip up those knee-high boots, turn off the re-runs of top model and close that outdated copy of Vogue magazine, cuz we're back and better than ever!
Now, to all of you who have made it on this blog thus far, or who we've cornered in sketchy areas on campus, pat yourselves on the back. You have caught the attention of two highly discerning fashion critics. But, for everyone that catches our eye, we have to be able to differentiate a little bit and rank based on a couple well thought out criteria.
1 star: you look nice. conventional, yet grabbing. You stand out from the crowd, but not necessarily revolutionary. You're not wearing a t-shirt and sweats (which is far better than 95% of students here), and have a good sense of what looks good on you, but haven't yet displayed the inner creativity.
2 stars: bold breakthrough. though your outfit is mostly conventional, you've started to break out from the crowd with a gaudy accessory or fancy hat. You dress well, and on top of that, you're creating cracks in the mold!
2.5 stars: Kicking and screaming in the mold!!--you look great, but not yet at 3.
3 stars: we LOVE most of what you're wearing. You're original, creative, and confident with what you have on. Though the outfit may not fall together 100%, you're pretty damn close to be runway material (or at the very least belong on the subway in Paris).
4 stars: Gold Metal! this is what everyone should be shooting for! Creativity is an understatement. You break social conventions, you're taste is revolutionary, but you do it like its natural--effortlessly. You are the person we wish we could always photograph!
5 stars: Speechless.
ok, so here we go!!
As you may have noticed, fall is in the air at the Gothic Wonderland. And unlike the fairytale depictions of constant crisp, cool air and multicolored leaves, we wake up to a 45 degree morning and by noon it's reached 80 with a windchill that brings things down to around 65. For most of us here, this weather leaves us perplexed bother sweating and shivering in our summer shorts and hoodies. However, there are few of us who have mastered the art of hybridity. Felicitations! this is for you:
Work it!
This girl knows how to stroll down the Joe Van Gogh patio with at-ti-tude! Wind in her hair and Guess black mini-dress with cuffed sleeves and flowy material to keep her cool but a high-rise neck, some tights, and warm brown accent boots that match the tiny brown accents in her black bag. Note the semi-patent leatherlike elastic belt just around her waist--this has to be one of my favorite accessories this season. Accentuates tastefully. Very impressive for a midmorning Thursday...3 stars darling.
Spread your wings and fly...

This girl knows how to stroll down the Joe Van Gogh patio with at-ti-tude! Wind in her hair and Guess black mini-dress with cuffed sleeves and flowy material to keep her cool but a high-rise neck, some tights, and warm brown accent boots that match the tiny brown accents in her black bag. Note the semi-patent leatherlike elastic belt just around her waist--this has to be one of my favorite accessories this season. Accentuates tastefully. Very impressive for a midmorning Thursday...3 stars darling.
This gorgeous young lady's outfit and stare say all these things and more. She keeps it simple with a solid grey baby-t and some regular jeans but catches you off guard with that gaudy floral fannie pack worn off-center. In any other context, I may have made a joke under my breath about the girl with a fannie pack--i mean HELLO! the 80's were over just shy of 30 years ago!!--But on this campus, and with that stance, she definitely qualifies as a Texture girl. 2 stars!!
Spread your wings and fly...
...like this beige shimmer embroidered sachet-cinch jacket with removable hood and unique flared sleeves. Speaking of keeping warm, this girl has got it down. The wrinkly material makes it easy to stuff in and out of a school bag or large purse and snap-on/ snap-off hood not only looks baller but keeps our options open. Versatility. 2.5 stars dear!
izzi and ashley
izzi and ashley